Once upon a time, a band of brave adventurers set out on a perilous quest. The adventurers each carried with them a satchel containing the tools that they thought would best serve them on their journey.
On the morning of their departure, they glanced over their shoulders at the quaint little castle overlooking the frightened village. The hopes of the kingdom were riding on the shoulders of the courageous group and they gulped down their fears as they turned to face the path ahead.
Many of the items in the adventurer’s satchels were gifts from members of the kingdom. The king had given each adventurer a weapon forged by the finest blacksmiths in the land. The princess bestowed a token of good luck on each member of the group.
Each adventurer had their own sponsor among the nobility who competed with the others to produce the best, most exquisite item for their champion. The satchels also contained a personal item from the friends or family members of the adventurer, a gift that their home villages had worked together to provide for them, a magical item given to them by the royal wizard and three items that the adventurers had chosen themselves.
Nine items each. Nine items to help them in their quest to find the magical object prophesied to save the kingdom from the evil lurking on its borders.
Number of Players: 1+
How to:
Players begin by finding a bag to be their traveling satchel and filling it with nine items that need to be put away. One item to represent each of the nine items that the adventurers carried with them to help them on their quest:
- A weapon from the king
- A favor from the princess
- A gift from a noble sponsor
- A present from friends and family
- A useful item from their home village
- A magical item from the royal wizard
- 8. and 9. Three items the adventurer gathered on their own
The second thing players must do is pick an item (that needs to be put away) to be the magical item that the adventurers must find in order to save the kingdom. Players then decide what the item does and what the threat is that is causing so much fear in the kingdom.
Once the players know what they are searching for, and why, they can set out on their quest. Along the way, they will need to set up camp at night. This involves gathering wood for a fire (items that are out of place in the room) and making dinner (more items that are out of place). In the morning, the adventurers will need to hide any evidence of their campsite (put all items that they used for their campsite away).
Along the way, players can pretend to encounter challenges (monsters, riddles, mazes, secret doors, etc) and use the items from their satchel to overcome the challenges. When the players are ready to finish the game, they can pretend to face the final challenge and collect the item that will save the kingdom. The players then return to the castle triumphantly but discover that the threat has already overtaken the castle and they must quickly use the final item to save the day!