Dirtiest Cloth Wins

Dirtiest Cloth Wins

Number of Players: 2+ (see below for rules for one player) 

How to: 

Give each player a cloth or a paper towel (the cloths should be about the same size and color). Players should get their cloths slightly damp or apply a safe non-toxic cleaning solution to them (our family prefers Method cleaning products). Then set a timer for 10 minutes. On the count of three, players race to see who can make their cloth the dirtiest in 10 minutes!  

This game is great to get those overlooked places clean. The tops of door frames and window frames, the top of shelves and ceiling fans and underneath appliances like the refrigerator and oven are some great places to find dust and dirt.  

When the timer goes off, all players must immediately stop cleaning and gather to compare their cloths. Players then vote on the dirtiest cloth. Players cannot vote for their own cloth. Alternatively, especially if there are only two players, a neutral third party can be the judge – don’t let this person know whose cloth is whose.  

Rules for one player:

If you have only one player, use a video chat to play this game with one or more friends! Each player can clean their own house and then compare their cloths over video chat and vote on the dirtiest cloth.