Number of players: 2+
How to:
In this game, players take turns using only adjectives (words that describe a noun) to describe an item that needs to be put away (without using any words that are part of the item’s name). Start with a Middle Thing Pick Up (create a pile in the middle of the floor of all items that need to be put away) then choose a player to be the first “describer” (click here for ways to pick who goes first).
The describer glances at the pile (trying not to let the other players know which item they are focusing on) and then says an adjective that can be used to describe the object. Then each player (in a clockwise direction) chooses an item out of the pile that they think matches the description. If the item that the player picks from the pile is the incorrect item, they keep that item until the correct item is guessed or until each player has 10 items collected.
When the correct item is guessed or when each player has collected 10 items that were incorrect guesses, the players put away the items they collected. The person that guessed the item correctly is the next describer. If no player guessed correctly, then the describer must put away 10 items as well (any 10 items from the pile). If the item was guessed correctly before each player had 10 items, then the describer does not have to put away any items this round.
If no one guessed the correct item, then next describer is the first player to finish putting away their 10 items. Using this rule, the describer can be the describer multiple times in a row if they are the first to put their 10 items away. However, while the describer is picking their 10 items from the pile, the other players can already be putting their items away.
Example: A set of blocks – The describer might list the following adjectives: colorful, wooden, smooth, many, multi-colored, hard, painted, etc.

- Younger children may need help with this game. Do a practice round beforehand. Have everyone pick out an object and describe it together. This will get the younger kids thinking about what adjectives are and will help everyone get the creative juices flowing.