Number of players: 1+
In this game, players must clean in alphabetical order. The first item they pick up should start with an “A.” The next item should start with a “B” and so on until they have gone through the entire alphabet. If players get to the end of the alphabet and want to keep going, they can simply start back at “A.”
If players get stuck on a letter, they can be creative in coming up with a relationship between a letter and an item. For example, if an item has the shape of an “X,” or two items can be used to make the shape of an “X,” that is acceptable. Players can also use a descriptive word. For example, for the letter “N,” a player could pick up a “new shoe.”
Keeping Score (Optional):
Use a white board, chalkboard or piece of paper to keep track of players’ points. Each player works through the alphabet on their own (or in teams) to see who can make it through the alphabet first. The player at the end of the game that has the most points is the winner! See the slideshow below for an example!
- 2 points for every item put away that begins with the letter intended or has the shape of the letter intended
- 1 point each time a player creates the shape of the letter in order to put an item or items away (for example, creating the shape of a letter out of blocks and then putting the blocks away)
- 1 point each time a player uses a descriptive word in order to put an item away (for example, putting away a blue hat for the letter “B” or a fuzzy stuffed animal for the letter “F”)
- 10 points for finishing the alphabet first!
- 5 points for finishing the alphabet second!