Number of players: 1+ (The number of players is equal to the number of players it takes to play the game that you choose. If the game can be played by only one player, then so can this cleaning game.)
How to:
Choose a board game to play while cleaning. Set small, easily accomplished goals for players to complete before taking their next turn. A simple rule is that everyone should put away 5 things before they can take their next turn. If you want more variation, create a cleaning jar. Write out simple tasks on pieces of paper, fold them and put them in the jar. After each player’s turn, they should draw a task from the jar and complete it before they can take their next turn. Examples of tasks include: put away 5 things, load/unload 10 items from the dishwasher, sweep or vacuum a floor, wash a window, dust a shelf or piece of furniture, take out the garbage, etc.
- Some games are faster paced than others. If you find that you are waiting for the next person to take their turn because they are still putting things away, lower the number of items to be put away before each turn.
- Choose a board game that doesn’t require that players pay attention to what the other players are doing on their turns. This may take some trial and error finding which games work well. Below is a list of games to get you started.
- Monopoly
- Candy Land
- Chutes and Ladders
- This strategy can also be used with card games or video games. Imagine how excited your kid(s) will be if you tell them that they can play a video game while cleaning!