Begin this challenge by deciding on a time limit (20 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour?). Players then make a list of chores on a piece of paper (or a marker board) and put this list in a central location. Set a kitchen timer or a timer on a phone for the chosen time limit. When the timer starts, all players should select a chore, put their initials next to it and rush to complete their selected chore. Each time a player completes a chore, they should run back to the list and put a check mark next to their initials by the completed chore. When the timer goes off, all players should finish the chore that they were working on. Once finished, this chore counts towards their final number of chores completed. The winner is the player that completed the most chores.
Optional: Before the game, decide on a reward for the winner of the Chore Challenge. Examples: Winner gets to choose what’s for dinner, Winner gets to choose a movie for the everyone to watch, Winner gets to choose a game for the family to play, etc.