Number of Players: 3+ (see below for rules for 2+ players)
How to:
The classic game of hide and go seek with a tidy twist. The first seeker closes their eyes and counts aloud to 100 while the other players hide. Once the seeker reaches 100, they begin their search for the other players. As each player is found, the players must continue to clean until all of the other players have been found. The last player to be found is the new seeker for the next round.
Variation for 2+ players:
The first person who is the seeker must put away 20 things in a specified room while the other player(s) hide. The seeker should count aloud as they put away each item so that the other players know when the seeker is getting close to starting to look for them. When the seeker has finished putting away 20 things, they then call out, “Ready or not, here I come!” and search for the other player(s). The first person found is the next seeker.