Number of players: 1+
In this cleaning game, the rooms of the house are “locked” and players can only move from one room to the next if they have a key for the room that they want to enter. “Keys” are items that need to be put away in that room. If a player is unable to find something in their current room that needs to be put away in the room that they want to enter, then they have two options:
- Option one – players can move through other rooms of the house using “keys” until they find an item that needs to be put away in the room that they want to enter.
- Option two – players can pay a “penalty” in order to be able to enter a room for which they cannot find a key. A penalty involves cleaning something within the room they entered without having an item to be put away in the room. For instance, they can sweep or vacuum the floor, clean a window, dust, etc. They only need to complete one task before being able to move on to another room.
Players can carry multiple items for a room (it can be useful to wear a backpack) so that they don’t have to backtrack.

This cleaning game can be played while family members are going about their normal routines and can be started and stopped at any time! If the house is getting a little untidy, implement this game for the day.