Number of players: 2+ (see below for rules for 1 player)
This game works best when multiple rooms need to be cleaned. Players should each choose a separate room to begin in. The goal of the game is not to let anyone catch you cleaning. As you put items away, try to sneak through the house without being spotted. If you are spotted, you have been captured! The player that spotted you gets to assign you a task to complete before you are able to escape and continue with your stealth cleaning. Players do not need to remain in stealth mode while completing the task they were assigned by the other player.
Example tasks:
- Put away 10 things (Players should decide on a fair number before the game begins. 10 or 20 items may work well for most players. Younger players may get caught more often and it may work better to assign them 2-5 items instead.)
- Wash one window
- Make a bed
- Sweep (or vacuum or mop) one floor
- Dust one room
- Take out the garbage
- Clean the bathroom mirror
- Etc
Variation for 1 player: This game can be played by 1 player if there is at least one other person in the house, such as a parent. If that person notices the stealth cleaner, they can assign a task to the player. Alternatively, the player can write several tasks on pieces of paper, fold them up and put them in a container (jar, box, bag, etc). When they are caught, they can draw a paper from the container and complete that task.