Dirtiest Cloth Wins

Dirtiest Cloth Wins

Give each player a cloth or a paper towel (the cloths should be about the same size and color). Players should get their cloths slightly damp or apply a safe non-toxic cleaning solution to them (our family prefers Method cleaning products). Then set a timer for 10 minutes. On the count of three, players race to see…


Cleaning Games for Kids: Props

Improv Cleaning Games: Props – Each player gathers 10 things that need to be put away, puts their collection of mess in a cardboard box (or any large container – bag, bin, etc) and passes their box to another player. The players then stand in a large circle and…

Musical Clean Chairs

Cleaning Games for Kids: Musical Clean Chairs

Cleaning Game: Musical Clean Chairs – Set up a circle of chairs (one less chair than you have players) with their backs facing each other. If you only have 3 players, set up two chairs with their backs against each other. Choose one player to be the music maestro first. This player puts one item that needs to be put away on each of the chairs. The other players then…