Number of players: 2+
- Boxes, paper bags, or any container that can be decorated and used to put items in – 1 per player
- Wrapping paper, tape and scissors (with parent supervision for young children)
- OR markers to color the paper bag or box so that it looks like a present
How to:
Each player should decorate/wrap a box (or use markers on a paper bag) so that it looks like a present. Make sure that the box can still open so that presents can be placed inside and removed. When the gift boxes are decorated, each player should put 10 items that need to be put away inside their box (nothing fragile!). The other players should not be able to see what is put inside of the presents! When the presents are finished, they should be closed so that the other players cannot see what is inside and placed in a row. Players then take turns choosing a gift (that is not their own). Click here for ways to choose who goes first. Players can lift the presents and shake them gently to help decide which present they should choose. When each player has chosen their gift, the players can open their presents and race to put away the items inside. During the next round, the player that finished putting away their “gifts” first, gets to choose a present first. The next player to finish, chooses second, and so on.
Rules for 2 players: If there are only two players, each player should make two presents and fill each present with 5 items to be put away. When each player has chosen one present, the players then must put away the presents in their gift that was not chosen as well as the gifts in the present that they chose from the other player.