Number of Players: 1+
Welcome recruit. You are entering into the workforce as a member of the United States Postal Service. This is an honor for which you have been chosen from among an impressive group of applicants. However, with this honor comes great responsibility. The people of this country are relying on you to get their mail to them on time. Recently the postal service has been struggling under an unusually high demand for package delivery and we are relieved that you are joining our exhausted team. Hurry recruit! The fate of the mail and the reputation of the United States Postal Service rest in your hands.
How to:
Start with a middle thing pick-up in the room that is going to be cleaned. The pile serves as the post office. Each postal worker should get a large cardboard box or plastic bin to be their mail truck (alternatively, bags can be used if players would like to deliver mail “on foot”). Next, each postal worker should fill their mail delivery vehicle with 20 “packages” (items from the pile that need to be put away) and then head off to deliver the packages to their destinations (put the items away where they belong). Once all packages have been delivered from the trucks, the players return to the pile for another load.
- If you have more than one player, players can take turns being the “post master.” Label a box or bin for each room in the house (if you are using plastic bins, you can use dry-erase markers to label the plastic bins). The post master fills the “mail trucks” with “packages” that should be delivered to the room the box is labeled for. When a box has 20 items in it, the post master places the box in a queue so that the postal workers know the “truck” is full and ready for departure.