Number of Players: 1+
How to:
Players pretend to be witches preparing a potion. They start by finding a suitable box or bucket to be the cauldron and a large book to pretend to use as a spell book. The items that are out of place in the room are the items that can be used to add to the magic brew. Players decide what potion they are trying to create then pretend to read a recipe from the book and find something in the room to represent each strange item that they are adding to the brew. When the “cauldron” is full, the brew is finished and the players can pretend to be delivering samples of their brew to their customers as they put the items in the cauldron away.

Once upon a spooky time, a rickety little hut sat perched on an island in the middle of a murky swamp. A twisting cloud of smoke rose up from the crooked iron chimney.
Every so often, a puff of brightly colored smoke billowed out of the chimney accompanied by sizzling and snapping sounds. Eerie greens and blues and angry red and oranges briefly illuminated the gloomy swamp.
A high pitched cackling periodically split the heavy silence. Within the hut, three witches stood huddled around a giant black cauldron.
Shelves of strange, eerie and ridiculous items such as dragon scales, pixie dust, eyeballs of newts, snail saliva, unfulfilled wishes and forgotten promises lined the walls of the little hut.
More jars, boxes, baskets and herbs filled every available table, chair and most of the floor space as well. The witches cackled again as they read from a large old spell book and reached for various items to add to their thick bubbling brew.