Number of Players: 1+
How to:
Players pretend to be employees hired by Martin and Milly’s Mighty Maid Service. Players should begin by gathering the cleaning supplies that they will need in order to be a cleaner: apron, rubber gloves, duster, cleaning cloths, paper towel, broom, mop, cleaning caddy, non-toxic cleaning solutions, etc. Then players can choose their own tasks as they work or come up with a “To Do” list before starting. Players can use the timecard template below to track the hours that they “work.”

- If players would like to continue the game regularly, they can work with a parent to decide on an amount of time that they can “work” per day (30 min, 60 min, etc). Players are not required to meet this amount of time each day but can’t earn over time hours until they have met the regular hours for the day. Players can also decide on an amount of time that they are allotted for vacation time and sick time per month. Players can choose to use their vacation time whenever they would like but remember that vacation time does not reset until the next month! If using cleaning time to earn an allowance, decide on an hourly rate (dollars vs screen time vs other). Any time worked beyond the “regular hours” is considered over time and players can earn time and a half for over time! The timecard template below can be used to track hours worked.
- A full page downloadable timecard that is easier for small children to fill out:
- A more realistically sized timecard: Print on cardstock and cut out!
- And here’s an example filled out:

Another Tip:
- Put together lunches in lunch boxes/bags before the start of the game and set up a lunch break in the middle of the cleaning session… just like a real lunch break in the middle of a work day.
Employment Contract: A contract to download and print!