3 Boxes (Put Away, Give Away and Go Away)

Three Boxes (Put Away, Give Away, Go Away)

A great strategy to keep the mess contained while achieving a thorough clean! Number of Players: 1+  How to:   Put three large cardboard boxes in the middle of an untidy room and label one “Put Away,” another “Give Away,” and… Read more3 Boxes (Put Away, Give Away and Go Away)


Cleaning Games for Kids: Props

Improv Cleaning Games: Props – Each player gathers 10 things that need to be put away, puts their collection of mess in a cardboard box (or any large container – bag, bin, etc) and passes their box to another player. The players then stand in a large circle and…


Number of Players: 1+  How to:   Players pretend to be Cinderella (or Cinderevan for the boys) trying to finish all of their chores quickly enough that they can make themselves a beautiful gown (or a handsome suit) and be able to attend the ball. The room… Read moreCinderella