
Number of Players: 1+  How to:   Players pretend to be Cinderella (or Cinderevan for the boys) trying to finish all of their chores quickly enough that they can make themselves a beautiful gown (or a handsome suit) and be able to attend the ball. The room… Read moreCinderella

Snow White and the Messy Dwarves

Number of Players: 1+  How to:   Players pretend to be Princess Snow White (boys can use the name: Prince Ice Grey). The room(s) that need to be cleaned are the room(s) of the dwarves’ cottage.   Tips:  As they are picking up… Read moreSnow White and the Messy Dwarves

The Ogre’s Clean Mine

Number of players: 3+ This is a variation of freeze tag. Pretend that “it” is an ogre overseeing a mining operation. The other players are goblins working in the mine (aka cleaning). The goblins don’t like working in the mine… Read moreThe Ogre’s Clean Mine