The Alphabet Cleaning Game

The Alphabet Cleaning Game

Number of players: 1+ In this game, players must clean in alphabetical order. The first item they pick up should start with an “A.” The next item should start with a “B” and so on until they have gone through… Read moreThe Alphabet Cleaning Game

Dirtiest Cloth Wins

Dirtiest Cloth Wins

Give each player a cloth or a paper towel (the cloths should be about the same size and color). Players should get their cloths slightly damp or apply a safe non-toxic cleaning solution to them (our family prefers Method cleaning products). Then set a timer for 10 minutes. On the count of three, players race to see…


Cleaning Games for Kids: Props

Improv Cleaning Games: Props – Each player gathers 10 things that need to be put away, puts their collection of mess in a cardboard box (or any large container – bag, bin, etc) and passes their box to another player. The players then stand in a large circle and…


Number of Players: 1+  How to:   Players pretend to be Cinderella (or Cinderevan for the boys) trying to finish all of their chores quickly enough that they can make themselves a beautiful gown (or a handsome suit) and be able to attend the ball. The room… Read moreCinderella

Snow White and the Messy Dwarves

Number of Players: 1+  How to:   Players pretend to be Princess Snow White (boys can use the name: Prince Ice Grey). The room(s) that need to be cleaned are the room(s) of the dwarves’ cottage.   Tips:  As they are picking up… Read moreSnow White and the Messy Dwarves